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Update on Regulated Child Care Services
All regulated child care operations can return to normal operations as of September 8.
As of that date, the COVID-19 Child Care Operations Policy will no longer be in effect.
Several changes will come into effect on that day:
Restrictions on the number of parents that can enter the child care service at one time to drop off or pick up their children can be removed at the discretion of the individual child care service.
During drop-off and pick-up, current general public health measures apply, including self-screening and not entering if unwell. The self-assessment tool used for child care centres and family child care homes should continue to be consulted.
Regular handwashing and/or the use of hand sanitizer is required.
Staff restrictions on moving between homerooms or child care services are removed.
Field trips are now permitted and cohorts are no longer required to remain separate indoors or outdoors.
Beginning and end of day mixing of groups or rooms can revert to allowable mixing under the child care policy.
Public Health officials will follow-up directly with any confirmed or probable COVID-19 cases. Any unusual absenteeism or other concern should be reported to the local public health nurse.
While masks are no longer required, they are still recommended. The department will continue to supply masks to child care services who request them.