More Charges Connected to Historical Sexual Violence
The RNC have laid additional charges against two individuals connected to an ongoing investigation into sexual violence.
Yesterday investigators arrested 63-year-old Anthony Humby of St. John’s and 81-year-old Bruce Escott of St. John’s and charged them with the several offences believed to have occurred from 2006 to 2011 related to one additional survivor.
Humby has been charged with sexual assault, invitation to sexual touching, and sexual interference. Escott faces additional charges of sexual assault, invitation to sexual touching, sexual interference, and sexual exploitation.
To date, Humby faces a total of 32 charges and Escott a total of 14 charges related to 11 survivors.
Anyone experiencing anxiety or crisis as a result of this information, please contact the Mental Health Crisis Line at 8-1-1. In addition, the RNC Mental Health Mobile Crisis Response Team will respond to a crisis where and when it occurs, and can be reached at 709-729-8000. In the event of an emergency always call 9-1-1.