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ArtsNL announces Creation Grant Program for Indigenous artists

ArtsNL has announced the launch of the Creation Grant Program, a pilot program that provides funding specifically for Indigenous artists, artistic groups, and culture carriers within Newfoundland and Labrador for the creation, development, exhibition, and transfer of knowledge related to an art form or artistic practice.

Grants are available to Indigenous artists at any stage of their artistic career, working in all disciplines. The program has an allocation of $200K and was made possible through additional funding provided by the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador's Year of the Arts initiative.

There are two funding streams available:

  • Creation Micro-grant (up to $1,500) for small-scale projects, general materials, and related expenses.

  • Creation Grant (up to a maximum of $15,000) for projects running less than one year.

The program was designed with a focus on breaking down barriers Indigenous artists usually face with other funding programs, creating a style for funding opportunities that will set a new precedent for how Indigenous arts programming should look.


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