Two candidates running in Spaniard’s Bay by-election

Two candidates have put their names forward for a by-election in Spaniard’s Bay.
Debbie Newman and Gerald Sheppard are vying for the vacant council seat.
The advance poll will take place on Saturday, February, 25 between the hours of 8 am and 8 pm at the Municipal Centre in Spaniards Bay.
The by-election will take place on Tuesday, February 28 between the hours of 8 am and 8 pm. Polling booths will be located at the Municipal Centre for residents west of Holy Redeemer Church, the Royal Canadian Legion for residents east of rast of Holy Redeemer Church and includes Brown’s Road, and the Loyal Orange Lodge in Tilton for residents of Big Pond Road, Tilton, Northern Pines, and the Gullies.