Provincial Road Ambulance Services Transitions to Newfoundland and Labrador Health Services

Minister of Health and Community Services Tom Osborne will provide an update today on the integrated ambulance service.
Osborne will be joined by Cassie Chisholm, Vice President of transformation (Health Systems) with NL Health Services.
As of June 1, close to 500 private sector employees, including primary care paramedics, advanced care paramedics, and emergency medical responders will become employees of NL Health Services, creating a provincial workforce of about 850 paramedicine professionals.
Local phone numbers will no longer provide access to emergency ambulance services. Individuals who have previously called local ambulance/hospital phone numbers for an ambulance in a medical emergency are directed to instead call 911.
All provincial road ambulances will be dispatched and coordinated by NL Health Services.
There will be no disruptions of service.
All staff becoming employees of NL Health Services will now receive public sector salary, benefits, and pensions.
The Department of Health and Community Services received two qualified responses to its Request for Proposals seeking a proponent to design, manage, and operate a single, integrated road and air ambulance service in the province. Submissions are currently being evaluated.