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Woman travelling on snowmobile between Hopedale and Natuashish has died

On Monday afternoon the RCMP in Natuashish was advised that a woman’s body was located on the bay ice approximately 11 kilometres outside of the community.

The woman and three others were travelling on two snowmobiles on Sunday evening between Hopedale and Natuashish when both machines ran out of fuel.

Two people departed on foot. A third individual, who stayed with the woman on the ice overnight, walked to Natuashish on Monday morning to get help.

The two who had left on foot were found safe in a cabin near Natuashish. Police at the scene on the ice performed CPR on the unresponsive woman.

She was transported by police to the Natuashish Health Centre and was pronounced deceased.

The Office of the Chief Medical Examiner is engaged and the investigation is continuing.


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