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RNC provides back to school safety tips

Students return to the classroom today and the RNC is offering safety tips:

Parents should educate children on the proper use of crosswalks. Whenever possible walk your younger children to the bus stop or school and supervise them while they wait for the bus. Encourage your child to walk to and from school or the bus stop with friends.

While boarding a school bus, students should line up in a single file and wait on the sidewalk until the bus has come to a complete stop and has opened the doors.

Be vigilant when crossing the crosswalks and walking through school parking lots. Stay off your phone and electronic devices when in the roadway and parking lots so you are aware of your surroundings and able to react to any situation.

Police will be increasing their presence in School Zones. Motorists are asked to slow down and stay vigilant.

It is illegal to pass a school bus that is stopped with its stop sign extended and lights flashing. Do not use mobile phones or electronic devices while driving. This includes parking lots of schools and businesses.

Pay attention to crossing guards in school zones. Pay close attention to the actions of children near intersections, crosswalks or in parking lots.

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