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Protesters Gather in Corner Brook to Protest Annex Plans

Over 100 people showed up to a demonstration at City Hall in Corner Brook on Saturday.

The group was protesting a plan by the council to renovate the annex at the Corner Brook Civic Centre into a residence for the Western Regional School of Nursing.

Mayor Jim Parsons said that while he respects the right of citizens to gather and voice their concerns, he didn't think it was the appropriate time or place. The Santa Claus parade took place that afternoon.

It was revealed last week the Corner Brook was considering leasing the space to the Western Regional School of Nursing.

Western Health said that they were authorized by the Department of Health and Community Services in 2019 to explore space needs for the Western Regional School of Nursing, along with other services that were not going to be located in the new acute care hospital.

Western Health has explored multiple options for space for the Western Regional School of Nursing. While there has been no decision made, Western Health has recommended to the Department of Health and Community Services that the Corner Brook Civic Centre Annex is a viable option to consider for the home of Western Regional School of Nursing because of its adjacency to Grenfell Campus and cost-efficiency.

Throughout discussions with the City of Corner Brook, Western Health understood that alternate recreational space would be available to meet the needs of user groups.

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