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Ontario's Finance Minister & Wife Left Canada on a Scheduled Trip

Rod Phillips, Ontario Finance Minister, presents the 2020 First Quarter Financial Update in August.

Ontario's Finance Minister Rod Phillips and his wife left Canada on a scheduled trip sometime after December 8th.

The trip was of a personal nature and came as officials were advising people to stay home due to the rising number of COVID-19 cases.

Those on social media were quick to call out Phillips. For a time on Tuesday, the hashtag #resign was trending in Canada.

Phillips posted on Twitter six days ago, "as we all make sacrifices this Christmas, remember that some of our fellow citizens won't even be home for Christmas dinner over Zoom. Thousands of front line heroes will be at work, looking out for us. Who is the special hero in your life you want to thank?"

Phillips was sworn in as Ontario's Minister of Finance on June 20, 2019.

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