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Nominations Open for Heritage Awards

The City of St. John’s is accepting nominations for the 2021 Heritage Awards.

These awards recognize commercial and residential property owners for their work in rehabilitating, restoring and celebrating our rich built heritage.

Residents can nominate a heritage building or other building in the City’s designated Heritage Areas; property owners can nominate their own property. To submit a nomination visit by Friday, February 5. Nominations are accepted for the following categories:

  • Preserving or restoring the original character of a heritage building or any building in a Heritage Area;

  • Rehabilitating an older building, including successfully integrating modern elements;

  • Respecting the character of a modern building in a Heritage Area;

  • Infill developments that blend into a neighborhood in a Heritage Area;

  • Stewardship and long-term preservation of a heritage building or any building in a Heritage Area.

The Heritage Awards are scheduled to take place at the Council meeting on Monday, February 15 as part of Heritage Week celebrations.

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