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Mandatory Vaccine Regulations Coming into Effect Next Month

As of December 17, 2021, the COVID-19 Vaccine Regulations will require that employees and service providers of certain businesses, facilities and organizations must be fully vaccinated or have an approved medical exemption.

In addition to employees and service providers, the Regulations apply to certain self-employed individuals and people who provide services in their home or a client’s home.

Medical exemptions will be considered for people who cannot get a COVID-19 vaccine due to specific medical reasons as outlined by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Newfoundland and Labrador.

To get a medical exemption, individuals must visit a physician or nurse practitioner who will confirm whether or not the individual meets the approved criteria for a medical exemption.

Individuals with approved medical exemptions will be given a valid medical exemption for COVID-19 vaccination letter signed by their physician or nurse practitioner. Physicians and nurse practitioners have a template of this letter to complete.

Information about the requirements, including the list of businesses, facilities and organizations to which the Regulations apply, is available at

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