Legislation introduced to impose stronger penalties for speeding

There is legislation before the House of Assembly to impose stronger penalties for speeding offences.
If passed, the Act would see an increase in fines by $100 for exceeding the speed limit by between 11 and 20 km/hr, 21 and 30 km/hr, 31 and 50 km/hr, and 51 km/hr and over.
Fines for speeding in construction and school zones would also increase.
Fines for racing vehicles or bicycles on highways and performing or engaging in stunts while driving are also increased by $100.
Drivers would also lose demerit points. Points would increase from two or four to six points, for exceeding the speed limit by 51 km/hr and over.
The number of days a vehicle will be impounded would increase from three days to seven days for racing vehicles on highways, or performing or engaging in stunting.
These fines are intended to come into force on April 3, 2023.