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Inshore, coastal-based fleet allocated less than 25 per cent of Unit 1 Redfish

The FFAW says independent owner-operator harvesters in the Gulf of St. Lawrence are reeling following an announcement from Federal Fisheries Minister Diane Lebouthillier that stated the inshore, coastal-based fleet will only be allocated less than 25 per cent of Unit 1 Redfish.

The union says 50 per cent is needed to ensure financial solvency and economic sustainability for the region.

“Today’s announcement was a clear signal that the Department has signed, sealed and delivered the abandonment of coastal communities and the tens of thousands of individuals who rely on sustainably managed fisheries,” says Greg Pretty, FFAW-Unifor President. “The Liberal government had an opportunity to provide long-term economic sustainability to thousands of fish harvesters and plant workers in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and instead they’ve decided to buy corporate votes,” Pretty says.

DFO says the commercial Redfish fishery in the Gulf of St. Lawrence (Unit 1) has been closed since 1995 to help redfish stocks rebuild to healthy levels.

Lebouthillier did announce an extension of the Atlantic Fisheries Fund to allow for the continuation of important scientific work regarding gear retrofit.

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