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Ches Crosbie Calls for House of Assembly to Reopen #nlpoli

PC Opposition Leader Ches Crosbie is calling for the legislature to reopen immediately so that the important business of the province can be debated – including amendments or full repeal of Bill 38.

"We agreed to support Bill 38 with specific conditions that included family reunification and that the government would take into account any comments from the Canadian Bar Association. Government failed to live up to its commitment on Bill 38 and continues to bar close family members, like Kim Taylor, from attending the funeral of her mother. This is completely unacceptable to our caucus,” said Crosbie.

There are concerns from The Canadian Bar Association that Bill 38 is illegal, unconstitutional, and violates individual rights.

This Bill would amend the Public Health Protection and Promotion Act to allow the Minister of Justice and Public Safety, upon the request of and following consultation with the Minister of Health and Community Services, to authorize peace officers to enforce measures taken by the Chief Medical Officer of Health.

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