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8 New Cases of COVID-19

There are 8 new cases of COVID-19 in Newfoundland and Labrador today.

All are located in the Eastern Health Region. Five are travel-related and three are under investigation.

Newfoundland and Labrador has 31 active cases of COVID-19.

There has been one recovery since yesterday in the Central Health region. This means 342 people have recovered.

One person is in the hospital due to the virus.

To date, 69,870 people have been tested.

The department of Health is advising rotational workers about two identified COVID-19 outbreaks in Alberta at the Chevron Duvernay Lodge and Suncor’s Fort Hills oil sands site.

Individuals from this province work at these locations. Rotational workers with these projects who have returned to Newfoundland and Labrador in the last 14 days must self-isolate and physically distance away from household members, and call 811 to arrange testing.

These workers must now complete the full 14-day self-isolation period, regardless of test result.

The rules for rotational workers from Newfoundland and Labrador who work in Canada that went into effect Wednesday, November 25 do not apply to workers at worksites where there is an ongoing outbreak.

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