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2021 St. John's Capital Budget Includes $25M in Projects

St. John’s City Council voted to approve the capital budget for 2021 which totals $25,971,851.

Capital projects cover a wide range of services including transportation improvements, water and sanitary service upgrades, housing projects, capital grants to community groups, snow clearing equipment, and playground infrastructure.

Councillor Shawn Skinner said, “the identified projects for 2021 address high priority areas and ensure we are making every effort to protect the integrity of our infrastructure. With previously committed items aside, a net of $14.45 million has been identified in available funding for 2021 projects.”

  • Federal Gas Tax funding for Mews Centre replacement $4,681,863

  • Fleet replacement fund $3,600,000

  • Water maintenance projects $3,230,000

  • General - uncommitted $14,459,988

The list of approved capital projects for 2021 includes:

  • $2,000,000 for grind and patch; $700,000 for sidewalk, curb and gutter repair; and $500,000 for capital grants to community groups.

  • $1,341,938 has been allocated for projects delayed in 2020, including a replacement of the City’s website; Phase 2 of the Wetland Study; and decorative lighting for the downtown.

  • $1.6 M of the Parks Reserve funding for 2021 will be allocated to Phase 1 of the Galway Park project.

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