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Growing Big Game Business on South Coast

The provincial government has announced a Business Investment Loan of nearly $98,000 to Conne River Outfitting to assist with camp upgrades and development.

Conne River Outfitting is an adventure tourism company offering moose, caribou and bear hunting packages.

Provincial Government support for this business will assist with upgrades to the facilities at Camp 8 and Medonnegonix Lake hunting lodges. This repayable loan will help increase efficiency, and allow the business to expand their current offerings.

Located on the south coast of the province, Conne River Outfitting has operated for over 35 years, and is licensed and approved under the Tourism Assurance Plan. This business is owned by band members of Miawpukek First Nation and the Qualipu First Nation, and is operated by Robert Hanson and Michael McDonald.

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