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RCMP Remove Man from TCH for Excessive Speed #nltraffic

On Sunday, Deer Lake RCMP was on patrol on the Trans-Canada Highway east of the Deer Lake where officers observed a pickup truck was observed travelling at a high rate of speed.

The driver was clocked going 130 km/h in a 100 km/h zone.

When the officer conducted a traffic stop, there was a smell of liquor on the driver's breath and open liquor was observed in the vehicle.

The driver failed a roadside screening device test and was transported back to the Deer Lake Detachment for further breath tests.

Police have charged the driver, a 37-year-old man from Howley, under the Highway Traffic act for impaired operation of a motor vehicle, exceeding the speed limit 31-50 km/h over the posted limit and having open liquor in a motor vehicle.

Police impounded the man’s vehicle for 30 days and suspended his driver's licence for seven days.

He is scheduled to appear in Corner Brook Provincial Court on January 21, 2020.

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