Workplace Review of the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary Complete

Harriet Lewis has completed a report on the workplace review for the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary.
The Department of Justice and Public Safety will take some time to review the recommendations in the report and determine the next steps.
The report outlined nine recommendations including the core human resources services be moved “in-house” to the RNC and a human resources consultant be hired.
It also recommended that the Ministry retain or assign a qualified individual or individuals to coordinate and work with a Labour/Management committee to review the RNCA agreement. Provide the Chief and Deputy Chiefs with the opportunity to obtain management education or training with a focus on human resource management, communications and conflict resolution; and make communication skills a pre-requisite for all commissioned officer positions going forward.
Make investments in RNC technology to support its policing and administrative functions. Conduct or direct a review of the human and physical resources available for Patrol.
Determine if resources are being allocated to stated priorities and if duties are being assigned appropriately and effectively between officers and civilian employees.
Have a qualified individual to work with the Executive team and others to develop a multi-year budget planning process and a two-year budget to address the key elements of the Chief’s Plan 2022-2024.
Finally, the report recommends that the Ministry identify an office or individual to be designated as a trusted place for RNC employees to bring concerns about misconduct under the parameters of an RNC Safe Disclosure Policy.
The report concluded that there is no widespread disconnect and distance between the force and the people of the province that may be present in larger and less integrated communities.
In a workplace survey based on 180 responses, 122 people would change something in their unit and 58 would not.
Other highlights include:
42 percent of respondents strongly disagree that they are not concerned about intimidation or reprisals should they make a complaint about someone in their workplace. 63 percent disagreed. 40 percent agreed and 2 percent strongly agreed.
48 percent strongly disagree that their workplace is free of favouritism and 30 percent disagree.
The report was announced back in October 2019. The review was meant to examine the RNC's workplace culture and governance practices. The workplace review was supposed to take six months.