Update on High School Instruction

Following consultation between the Newfoundland and Labrador English School District, the Department of Education, the Chief Medical Officer of Health and Public Health officials, high-school students will return to school using a blended learning model.
High school students who are currently attending online classes will move into a blended learning model.
Under this modified Scenario 2 approach:
High school classes will be split into two groups and students will alternate between in-class instruction and online attendance, with access five days each week.
On days when students are not physically in class, they will be able to access the classroom remotely with their peers via Google Classroom.
These changes will take effect throughout the province starting on Wednesday, April 14. Educators will be provided two days for transition time and professional learning on Monday, April 12 and Tuesday, April 13, during which time the Easter Break will be extended for high school students currently learning under Scenario 3.
Under this new guidance, classes that are not able to maintain cohorts in a school setting, including high school classes, are required to divide students into two separate groups who will attend in-person on alternating days. This, combined with the requirement for students to wear masks in school, should maximize distancing while minimizing the risk of transmission in a school setting.