Police officer cleared of interfering with investigation pertained to their son

No charges will be laid against an RNC officer who allegedly wiped his son's phone after an inappropriate image was shared.
Back in February the RNC received a complaint of a person distributing intimate images without consent. The allegation revolved around three youths who were attending a sleepover approximately two weeks prior. One of the youths exposed their genitalia in a reportedly humorous manner. One of the other youths present recorded the act on their smartphone.
Several days later the photo in question was distributed through a chat group.
The photo was then shared multiple times across social media platforms.
The youth who recorded the footage was identified as being the child of an RNC officer. The same youth was named as a suspect in the RNC investigation into sharing of the intimate image. Other suspects were also identified as having distributed the image.
The RNC provided SIRT-NL with investigative material and the name of the complainant who came forward with the obstruction allegation.
The youth spoke to a witness who said that his father had wiped his phone, set it back to factory settings and started a new iCloud account.
A request to speak to the officer's son by SIRT-NL was denied.
SIRT-NL did not find reasonable grounds to believe the subject officer committed an offence.
This story has been updated to correct the spelling of "inappropriate".